Business Issues
Business Issues, the IATEFL BESIG e-magazine, is published twice a year. The publication is written by and for our members and its articles and features serve the needs and interests of business English professionals around the world. The articles range from teaching tips, to book reviews to event reports and so much more.
Another great reason to join IATEFL BESIG!
To access previous editions of the IATEFL BESIG e-magazine, please visit our member resources area.
Contributing to Business Issues
We welcome contributions from all our members. Articles should not exceed 1200 words. Although every effort is made to include articles accepted for publication in the next issue, IATEFL BESIG reserves the right to postpone publication if necessary.
Please note that our policy is to publish non-commercial articles only. IATEFL BESIG also reserves the right to refuse any article.
E-magazine Editor
Article submissions should be emailed to the Editor:
Please include your name, address and, if possible, a photo of yourself and some biographical details – maximum 40 words – so we can tell our readers who you are.
Photographs and graphics should be saved separately as .jpg files (not embedded in Word documents).